Electrical Engineer Telecommunications



Europe's energy transition is among the greatest challenges of our time. Its goal: To make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050 at the latest. The Netherlands and Germany have therefore set themselves ambitious goals to expand offshore wind energy: as early as 2030, Germany and the Netherlands want to reach a capacity of 30 and 22.2 Gigawatts, respectively. Energy from offshore wind farms in the European powerhouse North Sea will play in this a crucial role. TenneT guarantees that this energy will reach the mainland – and in the most environmentally friendly way possible. That is why we have developed the 2GW program with a unique transnational approach. And thus increase the pace and efficiency of the energy transition.

For Tennet we are looking for an:
Electrical Engineer – Telecommunications

Large Projects Offshore (LPO):
Based on the Energy agreement, where the targets and intentions for the transition to a more renewable energy supply are set, the Roadmap Offshore wind energy 2030 and the ambition to realise additional windcapacity prior to 2030 a roll-out strategy is being prepared for the medium term, including the IJmuiden Ver (DC) projects. This results in a commitment for TenneT to realise at least 2x (with potential up to 5) 2GW HVDC Grid Connection Systems which bring the power from offshore wind-farms in the North sea to the Dutch electricity grid to be commissioned between 2028 – 2030.

More information about LPO: https://www.tennet.eu/projects/offshore-projects-netherlands

Your contribution to TenneT:
• You support the senior TelCom Engineers in network telecommunication topics such as the functionality and installation of OT and office IT, broadband data transmission, communication technology and WAN/LAN infrastructure (copper, fiber optic and wireless technology) topologies in grid connection projects of offshore wind farms;
• In addition, you will be doing hands-on tasks in the field of offshore ancillary systems such as VSAT systems, CCTV connection, maritime VHF radio, satellite transmission, PAGA and telephony;
• Quality and progress control of our contractors during the construction and installation phase in accordance with the applicable framework and guidelines (including standards, specifications, etc.);
• Review of technical documentation and comparison of this with the underlying specifications;
• Control and management of functional tests and inspections as well as commissioning activities;
• Contact person for external and internal project/service partners.

This new position will focus on the Dutch offshore projects and will also support the Engineer Telecommunication in the design of the new onshore TelCom concept that TenneT is about to implement in The Netherlands.

Your profile:
• University degree (or equivalent) in electrical engineering, computer science or another comparable field;
• Overview knowledge in the fields of network and radio telecommunications;
• Practical experience in the use of commercially available communication systems of SDH technology, MPLS systems and VoIP systems;
• Practical experience with IP network components (routers, switches, firewalls, etc.) and telecontrol/network control protocols (IEC 60870-5-101 / -104, IEC 61850);
• Willingsness to learn, proactive mindset, good team skills and flexibility;
• Good verbal and written expression skills in Dutch and English;
• Occupational health qualification for offshore assignments according to the AWMF standard;
• Willingness to travel and driving license class B;
• You actively contribute to a safe working environment for yourself, your colleagues and external contractors.

• At entry, TenneT performs a Pre-Employment Screening;
• Scale 9 (collective labour agreement TenneT TSO);
• TenneT would like to receive the CV's and motivation in English (hiring manager is from Germany).

• Pre-employment screening: If the candidate is selected to start, a pre-employment screening will be executed. We will send you the required documents to be filled in and returned as soon as possible. Your candidate is only allowed to start after the pre-employment screening has been completed successfully. The VOG Application is part of the screening. The VOG must be received before the candidate could start;
• All submitted candidates must be in possession of a valid Passport or ID card, which must be taken along to the interview and at the start of the assignment.

• Important, the candidate has to be available throughout the entire duration of the assignment;
• By submitting a candidate, you are agreeing to the terms of this specific client. If you are not familiar with these terms, you can ask our recruiters for a copy.


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VDH Products: Een waardevolle samenwerking vanaf dag 1

Vanaf 2015 werkt 4People al samen met VDH Products. Jarenlang goed contact en gezamenlijk behaalde successen maakt dat we voor 2022 en 2023 een exclusief partnership aangaan. Wat een mooi begin van dit nieuwe jaar! We geven je hieronder een inkijkje in het bedrijf VDH middels een interview met José!

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